13 January 2016



当我们用一个性能一般的人脸检测器去检测没有人脸的图片时, 会得到很多的假脸, 也就是一组矩形框的坐标. 最简单的方法是将这些矩形框切下来, (做resize处理), 保存成单个的图片. 我们也可以通过修改convert_imagenet.cpp来实现直接输入图片和矩形框, 输出lmdb.

Basic steps:

  • Read all image names into a vector
  • For each image, read all canddates into a vector with probability between MIN_PROB and MAX_PROB (say 0.5-0.6) from its candidate file
  • Open new lmdb
  • Convert all data in this vector into lmdb
  • Save img_cand_pairs into a list

ps: this file is based on convert_imagenet.cpp


#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <lmdb.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>  // NOLINT(readability/streams)
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"
#include "caffe/util/io.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/rng.hpp"

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui_c.h>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>

using namespace caffe;  // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::ends;
using std::vector;
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;
using std::string;
using std::ifstream;

DEFINE_bool(gray, true,
    "When this option is on, treat images as grayscale ones");
DEFINE_bool(shuffle, false,
    "Randomly shuffle the order of images and their labels");
DEFINE_string(backend, "lmdb", "The backend for storing the result");
DEFINE_int32(resize_width, 0, "Width images are resized to");
DEFINE_int32(resize_height, 0, "Height images are resized to");

// struct 
typedef struct cnn_rectangle_{
    int x;
    int y;
    int width;
    int height;
	float prob; //used for NMS

bool comp_rect(const CNN_RECT &rect1, const CNN_RECT &rect2)
	return rect1.prob < rect2.prob;

//============================== utility functions ==============================
int bilinear_image_resize(const unsigned char *src, int width,int height,
								 unsigned char *dst, int nw, int nh)
	double dx, dy, x, y;
	int x1, y1, x2, y2;	
	int i, j;	
	unsigned char *pout = dst;
	double f1, f2, f3, f4, f12, f34, val;
	dx = (double) (width) / (double) (nw);
	dy = (double) (height) / (double) (nh);
	for (j=0; j<nh; ++j) 
		y = j * dy;
		y1 = (int) y;
		y2 = y1 + 1;
		y2 = y2>height-1? height-1 : y2;
		for (i=0; i<nw; ++i) 
			x = i * dx;
			x1 = (int) x;
			x2 = x1 + 1;
			x2 = x2>width-1? width-1 : x2;
			f1 = *(src + width * y1 + x1);
			f3 = *(src + width * y1 + x2);
			f2 = *(src + width * y2 + x1);
			f4 = *(src + width * y2 + x2);
			f12 = (f1  + (y-y1) * (f2 - f1));
			f34 = (f3  + (y-y1) * (f4 - f3));
			val = f12 + (x - x1) * (f34 - f12) + 0.5;
			if(val > 255)
				*pout = 255;
				*pout = (unsigned char) val;
	return 0;
int  load_strlist(ifstream &infile, vector<string> &strlist)
        cerr << "Failed to open ifstream " << endl;
        return -1;

    string filename;
    int total_num;
    infile >> total_num;

    for(int i=0; i<total_num; ++i)
        infile >> filename;
        //    cout << img_names[i] << endl;

    return 0;    

//jin: 2016-02-18 11:48:17  now the input img_name has suffix, so use substr to deal with it.
int load_candidates(const string &cand_root_folder, const string &img_name, const double min_prob, const double max_prob, 
    vector<vector<CNN_RECT> > &cand_all_img, size_t max_cand_per_img) 
    //string root_folder = cand_root_folder, img = img_name;
    string img_str=img_name.substr(0, img_name.rfind("."));
    string cand_file = cand_root_folder + img_str + ".cand";
    ifstream infile(cand_file.c_str());
        cerr << "Failed to open file " << cand_file << endl;
        return -1;
    //push back all candidates with probability between min_prob and max_prob
    size_t cnt = 0, total;
    vector<CNN_RECT> cand_per_img;
    infile >> total;
    for(size_t i=0; i<total; ++i)
        float tmp;
        CNN_RECT cand;
        infile >> cand.x >> cand.y >> cand.width >> cand.height >> tmp >> cand.prob;
        if(cand.prob >= min_prob && cand.prob < max_prob){
        if(cnt == max_cand_per_img)
        //cout << img_name << "  " << cand.x << " " << cand.y << " " << cand.width << " " << cand.height <<  endl;		
		// apply NMS to cand_per_img    
    //cout << endl;
    return 0;

//jin: added at 2016-02-23 09:24:41 
void get_img_rect(unsigned char *image, int width,  int height,
			 const CNN_RECT &rect, 
			 unsigned char *img_rect)
	int x = rect.x, y = rect.y, ht = rect.height, wd = rect.width; 
	for(int ix = 0; ix < wd; ++ix)
		for(int iy = 0; iy < ht; ++iy)
			// 分情况:x<0,y<0,x+wd>width, y+ht > height
			if(ix+x < 0 || y+iy < 0 || y+iy >= height || x+ix >= width)
				img_rect[iy*wd + ix] = 0;
				img_rect[iy*wd + ix] = image[(y+iy)*width + ix +x];

//jin: modified from caffe/util/io.hpp:ReadImageToDatum 2016-01-13 16:17:56 
//by default, only support gray scale images
bool ReadImageRectToDatumArr(const string& img_filename, const int resize_height, const int resize_width, const vector<CNN_RECT> &cand_per_img, Datum *datum_per_img) 
    //cout << "img_filename = " << img_filename << endl;
    if(resize_height <= 0 || resize_width <= 0 || resize_height != resize_width)
        cerr<<"resize_height <=0 or resize_width <=0 or resize_height != resize_width)" << endl;
        return false;
    int label = 0; // all negatives by default
    int cv_read_flag = CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE;   //int cv_read_flag = (is_color ? CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR : CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);

    cv::Mat cv_img_origin = cv::imread(img_filename, cv_read_flag);
    if (!cv_img_origin.data) {
        LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open or find file " << img_filename;
        return false;
    //jin: 2016-02-23 09:18:42 convert mat into unsigned char and call get_img_rect instead of using cv::Rect
    unsigned char *image = cv_img_origin.data; 
    int width = cv_img_origin.cols, height = cv_img_origin.rows;
    int num_channels = 1; //int num_channels = (is_color ? 3 : 1);
    int cand_size = cand_per_img.size();
    //jin: determine maximal size needed to malloc 
    int  max_width = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<cand_size; ++i)
       if (max_width < cand_per_img[i].width)
       {    max_width = cand_per_img[i].width; }
    unsigned char* img_rect = (unsigned char*) malloc(max_width*max_width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    if(NULL == img_rect){
        printf("Failed to malloc.\n");
        return false;
    unsigned char* img_resize = (unsigned char*) malloc(resize_height*resize_width*sizeof(unsigned char));
    if(NULL == img_rect){
        printf("Failed to malloc.\n");
        return false;
    for(int i=0; i<cand_size; ++i)
        CNN_RECT rect = cand_per_img[i];
        get_img_rect(image, width, height, rect, img_rect);
        if(rect.width != resize_width && rect.height != resize_height )
            bilinear_image_resize(img_rect, rect.width, rect.height, img_resize, resize_width, resize_height);  
            int rect_size = rect.width*rect.height;
            for(int k=0; k<rect_size; ++k)
                img_resize[k] = img_rect[k];
        Datum datum;
        string* datum_string = datum.mutable_data();
        for (int h = 0; h < resize_height; ++h) {
            for (int w = 0; w < resize_width; ++w) {
        datum_per_img[i] = datum;
    return true;


//============================== MAIN function =================================
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    namespace gflags = google;

    gflags::SetUsageMessage("Convert a set of negatives (candidates detected from a set of images without faces) to lmdb\n"
        "format used as input for Caffe.\n"

    gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
    if (argc != 8 && argc != 9) {
        cout << "argc = " << argc << endl;
        gflags::ShowUsageWithFlagsRestrict(argv[0], "tools/convert_NoFace_MySpace ");
        return 1;

//=========================1. read all image names into a vector
 //   bool is_color = !FLAGS_gray; //jin: treat all images as gray
    std::ifstream infile(argv[1]);
    vector<string> img_names;
    vector<bool> img_mask(true);
    if(load_strlist(infile, img_names)) { return -1; }

    LOG(INFO) << "Loaded a total of " << img_names.size() << " image names." << endl;
    //cout << "A total of " << img_names.size() << " images." << endl;

//=========================2. for each image, read all candidates into a vector with probability between MIN_PROB and MAX_PROB from its candidate file  
    string root_folder(argv[2]);
    string cand_root_folder(argv[3]);
    float min_prob = atof(argv[4]);
    float max_prob = atof(argv[5]);
    //store candidates for each image with probability between min_prob and max_prob
    //vector<pair<string, CNN_RECT> > img_cand_pairs;
    //vector<int> num_cand_per_img;
    vector<vector<CNN_RECT> > cand_all_img;
    size_t total_num = img_names.size();
    int cnt=0;
    size_t max_cand_per_img = (argc == 9)? atoi(argv[8]): 50; //set maximal number of candidates per image
    cout << "Start loading candidates... " << endl;
    for(size_t i=0; i<total_num; ++i)
        if(load_candidates(cand_root_folder, img_names[i], min_prob, max_prob, cand_all_img, max_cand_per_img))
        {   img_mask[i] = false;
            continue;//return -1;
		cnt += cand_all_img[i].size();
        if( (i+1)  % 1000 == 0)
            cout << i+1  << " ";				
    cout << "\nA total of " << cnt << " candidates with probability in [" << min_prob << ", " << max_prob << ")."  << endl;

//=========================3. Open new lmdb
    MDB_env *mdb_env;
    MDB_dbi mdb_dbi;
    MDB_val mdb_key, mdb_data;
    MDB_txn *mdb_txn;
    // Open db
    const string &db_backend = FLAGS_backend;
    const char* db_path = argv[6];
    int resize_height = std::max<int>(0, FLAGS_resize_height);
    int resize_width = std::max<int>(0, FLAGS_resize_width);
    if (db_backend == "lmdb") {  // lmdb
        LOG(INFO) << "Opening lmdb " << db_path;
        CHECK_EQ(mkdir(db_path, 0744), 0)
            << "mkdir " << db_path << "failed";
        CHECK_EQ(mdb_env_create(&mdb_env), MDB_SUCCESS) << "mdb_env_create failed";
        CHECK_EQ(mdb_env_set_mapsize(mdb_env, 1099511627776), MDB_SUCCESS)  // 1TB
            << "mdb_env_set_mapsize failed";
        CHECK_EQ(mdb_env_open(mdb_env, db_path, 0, 0664), MDB_SUCCESS)
            << "mdb_env_open failed";
        CHECK_EQ(mdb_txn_begin(mdb_env, NULL, 0, &mdb_txn), MDB_SUCCESS)
            << "mdb_txn_begin failed";
        CHECK_EQ(mdb_open(mdb_txn, NULL, 0, &mdb_dbi), MDB_SUCCESS)
            << "mdb_open failed. Does the lmdb already exist? ";
    } else 
        LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown db backend " << db_backend;
//=========================4. convert all data in this vector into lmdb      // Storing to db
    //maximum number of items in a lmdb
    //int max_num = 310000; //1000100;  //test  3 images
    int count = 0; 
    const int kMaxKeyLength = 256;
    char key_cstr[kMaxKeyLength];
    //to save all key string into file DB_KEYLISTFILE
    vector<string> keystr_vec;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < total_num; ++i) {
        const vector<CNN_RECT> &cand_per_img = cand_all_img[i];
        size_t cand_size = cand_per_img.size();
        Datum *datum_per_img = new Datum[cand_size];

        if (true==img_mask[i] && !ReadImageRectToDatumArr(root_folder + img_names[i], resize_height, resize_width,
            cand_all_img[i], datum_per_img)) 
            cerr << "ReadImageRectToDatumVec failed when reading " << img_names[i] << endl;
            //img_mask[i] = false;
        // sequential datums in image img_names[i]       
        //jin: test
        //cout << "image index i = " << i << ", cand_size = " << cand_size << endl;
        for(size_t j = 0; j < cand_size; ++j)
            snprintf(key_cstr, kMaxKeyLength, "%s_%d_%d_%d_%d", 
                img_names[i].c_str(), cand_per_img[j].x, cand_per_img[j].y, cand_per_img[j].width, cand_per_img[j].height);
//            snprintf(key_cstr, kMaxKeyLength, "%08d_%s_%d_%d_%d_%d", count,
//                img_names[i].c_str(), cand_per_img[j].x, cand_per_img[j].y, cand_per_img[j].width, cand_per_img[j].height);
            //cout << "key_cstr = " << key_cstr << endl;
            string value;         
            string keystr(key_cstr);
            // Put in db       
            if (db_backend == "lmdb") {  // lmdb
                mdb_data.mv_size = value.size();
                mdb_data.mv_data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&value[0]);
                mdb_key.mv_size = keystr.size();
                mdb_key.mv_data = reinterpret_cast<void*>(&keystr[0]);
                CHECK_EQ(mdb_put(mdb_txn, mdb_dbi, &mdb_key, &mdb_data, 0), MDB_SUCCESS)
                  << "mdb_put failed";
            } else {
                LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown db backend " << db_backend;
            if (++count % 1000 == 0) {
              // Commit txn
                if (db_backend == "lmdb") {  // lmdb
                    CHECK_EQ(mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn), MDB_SUCCESS)
                    << "mdb_txn_commit failed";
                    CHECK_EQ(mdb_txn_begin(mdb_env, NULL, 0, &mdb_txn), MDB_SUCCESS)
                    << "mdb_txn_begin failed";
                } else {
                    LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown db backend " << db_backend;
                if (count % 5000 == 0)  LOG(INFO) << "Produced " << count << " candidates.";
        // write the last batch
        if (total_num-1 == i && count % 1000 != 0) {
            if (db_backend == "lmdb") 
            {  // lmdb
                CHECK_EQ(mdb_txn_commit(mdb_txn), MDB_SUCCESS) << "mdb_txn_commit failed";
                mdb_close(mdb_env, mdb_dbi);
            } else {
                LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown db backend " << db_backend;
            LOG(ERROR) << "Produced " << count << " candidates.";
        delete [] datum_per_img;     
//        if(count >= max_num)           break;   
//=========================5. save img_cand_pairs into a list
    std::ofstream outfile(argv[7]);
        cerr << "Failed to open file " << argv[7] << endl;
        return -1;
    size_t keystr_vec_size = keystr_vec.size();
    outfile << keystr_vec_size << endl;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < keystr_vec_size; ++i)
        outfile << keystr_vec[i] << endl;
  return 0;

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